Sunday, January 30, 2011

americans against racist republicans and their crapitalist ideas

What is crapitalism you ask.

Ok in a nutshell its the so called trickle down lie called the republican economic plan.

Why is this plan crap you ask.

Its crap because they have tried it 3 times now in the last 80 years and caused 3 economic upheavals.

the first application of tax breaks for the rich and bank deregulation was done under Republican Coolidge in 1921 and it lead 8 odd years later to the 1929 crash and the great depression.

The second application was by Ronnie Reagen in 1981 and by 1988 we had had the bubble burst of 1986 and savings and loans failing all around at TAXPAYER expense due to Fdic insurance and the crash of Oct 1987. by 1988 we had homes worth 40 cents on the dollar in California and Florida and other locations in this country.

Hey does that not sound exactly like what Happened under Bush JR. lets look at his Timeline. 2001 he got in 2006 indymac bank fails and starts the house of cards again. Feb 87 stock market crashes. Aug 2008 crashes again and we have the same depressive economic stall that occurred in 1929..

If this pisses you off as much as it does me then please use the tip jar and help fund this grassroots outcry.

If the racist comments of the tea party annoy you then please support the free thinkers that are supporting this outcry.

If  you dont feel you deserve to be called a socialist or have the word liberal slandered by racists like Glenn beck and Ann Coulter , then support this outcry

If the fact that Republican spending  increased the national debt 30% under Reagen and another 30% under Bush Jr pissed you off. And they now say they are gonna cut spending even though they just increased spending with their tax breaks for the rich being extended. Then please support this Outcry.

more posts to follow and thank you for your time

if you go  to my friends blog at As Tbaarr Sees It . You will note his very first post predicted this 2008 bubble burst. Because He remembered the 1988 bubble burst and saw the exact same crud occurring again with Bush Jr

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